Who is CrossFit Wollongong
Since 2009 , we’ve helped hundreds become healthier, fitter, stronger, and better. Our CrossFit gym is a platform for health, happiness, and performance. We have created a community of committed fitness enthusiasts united around safe, effective exercise, and sound nutrition.
What to expect - We want to hear from you and learn about your goals, so please reach out. Review our schedule, prices, and classes to learn if CrossFit Wollongong is a good fit for you.
Join our classes - In a typical one-hour CrossFit class, you will complete modified versions of the same workout, and our coach will guide you through step-by-step.
Learn the fundamentals - We will help you safely start your CrossFit journey, no matter how fit you are. Our coaches will teach you the foundational movements and adjust workouts to your fitness level.

Kobi Heagney (Head coach)
Kisane DeJonge
Anthony Sim
Luke DeJonge
Lauren Ashleigh
Khoa Vo
Our coaches are not cheerleaders !!!
All our coaches have either a CrossFit Coach Level 1 Certificate or Level 2 Certificate.
Our CrossFit coaches care about changing your life and developing meaningful relationships with our members. We will adjust our approach for each individual.
If all you’re looking for is someone to start the music and take photos of you during class, please look elsewhere. But come to our CrossFit gym, you’ll get the best hour of your day— and you’ll get better at life, too.
Our Workouts
CrossFit Scaled
CrossFit Scaled provides a more approachable version of the workout with moderate skills and moderate weights.
Note: The Sweat workout runs in addition to our CrossFit program so each class you have a choice to do a workout that benefits you for that day.
CrossFit RX
CrossFit RX means performing the workout exactly as written, including the prescribed movements, sets, reps, and weights.
CrossFit ADV
CrossFit ADV allows athletes to test themselves against higher complexity movements and heavier weights such as ring muscle ups, hand stand walks, pistols, legless rope climbs etc.

CrossFit + Coaching + You = Results